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Solving the Steam CAPTCHA in SAGE

SAGE allows you to customize the browser and extensions used for solving the Steam CAPTCHA on the signup page.

Browser Selection

SAGE ships with its own Chromium browser which will be automatically installed and is the default browser for solving the Steam CAPTCHA.

You can also use your own browser by selecting it in the settings. The browser must be installed on your system.

If you are having issues with your hCAPTCHA/reCAPTCHA risk score and get many A101 errors, you can try using a different browser.


To use Chrome, you need to have it installed on your system. You can select it in the settings.

Make sure you have the latest version of Chrome installed and don’t use it while SAGE is running.


To use Edge, you need to have it installed on your system. You can select it in the settings.

Make sure you have the latest version of Edge installed and don’t use it while SAGE is running.

Bring your own

You can also use any other browser, by using our SAGE Extension.

However, proxies are not supported with the extension.


SAGE allows you to add arbitrary extensions to the browser for CAPTCHA solving.

Custom Extensions

You can add custom extensions to the browser to solve the CAPTCHA automatically or do other things.

To do this, go to Settings > Browser in SAGE and open the path it tells you. You can add unpacked extensions into that directory and they will load automatically.